The Audacity of Change

By Dr. Promise Iwezor
Former NBA Chairman Isiokpo Branch

The biggest lie we always tell ourselves is that ” it has never been done before”

” Why you? What is different about you”

These statements have stunted progress and prosperity for generations putting our mind in a box that we have built for ourselves.

In every clime there biases that society is scared of upsetting.

Nuances that are left unchallenged.

Not because it is dynamic but because it has ” always been that way”

A faux pas loyalty to a social order that has outlived its usefulness.

But Today I want to dare you to be different. There is nothing insane about that idea you have been thinking about or that venture you want to undertake.

This is because Courage is not the absence of fear rather the judgement that you are greater than fear.

Often we are ask ourselves who are am I to be knowledgeable, intelligent, resourceful well who are you not to be?

While it’s true that mere words do not spring forth miracles you really have to study to show yourself approved. However do not cower under the false belief that you can not.

You can and you will.

Set your mind to every task this week with the audacity of hope, the fortitude of the mind and the Resolution of the 55 men who signed the American Declaration of Independence.

You are different.

Have a blessed Holy week.

Dr. Promise Iwezor
Former NBA Chairman Isiokpo Branch
