Empowering the Next Generation of Legal Minds: Tobenna Erojikwe Ignites Passion in Nigerian Law School Students for “Life After Call to Bar”  

In a quest to enlighten and empower the next generation of legal professionals in Nigeria, the Student Representative Council of the Dr. Nabo Graham-Douglas Campus at the Nigerian Law School hosted a captivating talk show as part of their ongoing Student Week. The highlight of the event was Tobenna Erojikwe, a distinguished legal practitioner and Chairman of the NBA-ICLE, who graced the occasion as a guest speaker. Erojikwe, a partner at The Law Crest LLP, delivered a compelling address, shedding light on the intriguing journey that follows the much-anticipated “Call to Bar.”

The session, aptly titled “Life after Call to Bar,” was marked by profound insights shared by Tobenna Erojikwe, a dual-qualified lawyer with extensive experience practising in two jurisdictions—Nigeria as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, and England as a solicitor of England and Wales.

Erojikwe’s passion for legal education that equips budding lawyers with the tools to navigate the complexities of their profession shone through as he emphasised, “Knowledge is a lawyer’s main resource. It is the cornerstone upon which every successful legal career is built.”

During this engaging talk show, Erojikwe underscored the need for aspiring lawyers to continually update their skills and knowledge, adapt to evolving legal landscapes, and remain committed to unwavering ethics and professionalism. He went on to say, “The legal profession is not static; it evolves with time. It is crucial for young lawyers to stay abreast of these changes and adapt to new challenges.”

Furthermore, Erojikwe emphasised the pivotal roles of mentorship and networking in shaping a prosperous legal career. “Mentorship can provide invaluable guidance, helping young lawyers navigate the intricacies of the profession. Networking is equally crucial, as it opens doors to opportunities and collaborations,” he advised.

Tobenna Erojikwe, the Chairman of the NBA-ICLE, also stressed the significance of being well-rounded individuals beyond the courtroom. “While legal expertise is paramount, lawyers should also focus on personal development, communication skills, and empathy, as they are essential in establishing meaningful connections with clients and colleagues,” he shared.

With unwavering conviction, he reminded aspiring lawyers about the importance of ethical integrity and professional conduct, stating, “Maintain the highest ethical standards. Your reputation is your most valuable asset in the legal world.”

Tobenna Erojikwe’s insightful session left the Nigerian Law School students not only inspired but also well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that await them in their legal careers. His dedication to enhancing legal education and preparing future lawyers for the dynamic world of law was evident, making this talk show a valuable contribution to the ongoing Student Week.